Environmental Consulting, Engineering and Remediation Services | Resource Renewal helps solve environmental problems

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Below is a sampling of our projects.

The Vandenberg Artificial Reef | Key West, Florida

At 522 feet in length and ten stories tall, the Vandenberg is the largest ship intentionally sunk in a marine sanctuary anywhere in the world. Deployed six miles off the coast of Key West, Florida, the Vandenberg complied with all environmental requirements (including the Liberty Ship Act), stringent permitting requirements by a multitude of organizations (including the National Marine Sanctuary) and has proven to be successful in generating jobs and revenue for Key West and surrounding Florida communities in a very tough economy.

Economically – The Vandenberg has surpassed all economic projections


Tourism – The draw of the Vandenberg Artificial Reef has increased the ecotourism portion of the local economy as illustrated in visits to the Vandenberg and adjacent reefs and increase in dive shop operations.


Read the full report

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The Mohawk Veterans Memorial Reef |
Lee County, Florida

The Mohawk was deployed to the Gulf Floor approximately 40 miles west of Redfish Pass on July 3, 2012. The sinking and related activities were picked up on 487 broadcasts with a viewership of 11,044,412 and an ad value of $451,868.90 between 7/1 and 7/3/12. Additional value for print, web and TV shows is not included in this summary, but has been valued to be substantial.

Tourist related activities in the Lee County area have shown a marked increase since the sinking; economic data is not yet available.

As habitat, population of the ship by a diverse aquatic population began within hours of the sinking. To date seven whale sharks have been seen at the reef, increasing interest by a diverse group of eco-tourists.

For information about other projects, Contact us today!

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